If the password reset emails from LENS are not being delivered, follow these steps:
Attempt to reset your password using the "Forgot Password" link on the login page as mentioned before.
After providing your username and email address, click on the "Submit" or similar button to initiate the password reset process.
Wait for at least 15-20 minutes to allow time for the email to be delivered. Sometimes, there may be a delay in email delivery.
If you still haven't received the email, it is possible that it has been blocked or filtered by your email server's settings.
Contact your IT Department or email administrator and explain the issue. Request them to whitelist the email addresses "info@focalpointk12.com" and "sendgrid.net" on your email server. Whitelisting these addresses ensures that emails from Focalpoint can bypass any spam filters or blocks.
Once the email addresses have been whitelisted, try the password reset process again to see if the email is now successfully delivered.
If the problem persists even after whitelisting, it is recommended to contact the Focalpoint helpdesk or support team for further assistance. They can investigate the issue and provide guidance to resolve the problem.
By following these steps, you can address the issue of password reset emails not being delivered from Focalpoint. It is important to involve your IT Department or email administrator to ensure proper email server configuration and whitelist settings.