
How to Award a Badge to a Student

There are two methods available on the platform for awarding a badge to a student.

Method 1:

  • To award a badge to student, select the portfolio in the Portfolio Center.
  • On the 'PORTFOLIO DETAILS' screen, select the 'Score Student Portfolio' icon next to the student's name.

  • Click on "Award Badge", located at the bottom of the screen.Screenshot_2023-05-02_at_7.41.33_pm.png

Method 2:

  • To award a badge to student, select the portfolio in the Portfolio Center.
  • On the 'PORTFOLIO DETAILS' screen, Click on the dotted menu Screenshot_2023-05-01_at_5.57.25_pm.pngnext to the student's name.
  • Click "Award Badge" to assign a badge to a student.Screenshot_2023-05-02_at_9.18.57_pm.png





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