If a student submits a portfolio assignment for review, the status will change to 'InReview'. Students will still be able to for review again, and also submit for scoring. Once a student submits for scoring, the status will change to 'Submitted'.
- To score a portfolio assignment by student, select the portfolio in the Portfolio Center.
- On the 'PORTFOLIO DETAILS' screen, select the 'Score Student Portfolio' icon next to the student's name.
- In the 'Score' section, enter scores for every standard. Teachers can also leave comments for each standard by typing in the 'Comments' section.
- NOTE - Leaving feedback for the overall portfolio assignment will need to be done on the 'Feedback' tab. Please refer to this article: https://support.focalpointk12.com/hc/en-us/articles/15383401918477-Leaving-Feedback-and-Comments-for-Students