
Activity Types: Glossary

Throughout the Activity Type articles, you’ll find some features on activities you may be unfamiliar with. The below glossary will define all features you’ll need to know when adding activities.


Detail: Tab where you will add your activity details such as max score, weightage category, description/instruction, rubric, etc. Details will be different for each activity type.

Tags: Tab where you can attach standards to your activity. This is optional.

Badge: This tab will appear if your district is utilizing our Blockchain. You can create a badge that the student can earn once completed.

Assignment Vs. Not Assignment: If Not an Assignment is turned on, the activity will not have a textbox to submit work and no score/weight will be factored into the activity. If Is an Assignment is turned on, the student will have a textbox to submit work and a max score will be assigned to the activity. Teachers will give a score via Speed Grader.

Max Score: The max score you’d like to give the activity. When an educator grades the activity, they will give a grade up to the max score. For example, if the max score is 10, the educator can give the student a score of 0-10.

Graded Vs. Ungraded: If an activity is listed as an assignment, you will have the option to also make it graded or ungraded. If graded is turned on, the activity score will factor into the student grade. Weightage Category will appear once graded is toggled on.

Weightage Category: Select the weight category you’d like the activity to fall into. Please note weight categories are decided at the district level.

Name: Activity name that will be seen by all users.

Description/Instruction: This textbox is where you can add text the student will see at the top of the activity.

Rubric: Upload or create a rubric for the student to view while completing the activity.

Add New Rubric: This option will launch a second rubric textbox.

Capture Read Status: For some activities, Capture Read Status will be represented as a toggle in the upper righthand side of the activity screen. This will appear if the activity is not listed as an assignment. With this feature turned on, the student will be able to mark an activity as read once completed.

Capture View Status: For some activities, Capture View Status will be represented as a toggle in the upper righthand side of the activity screen. This will appear if the activity is not listed as an assignment. With this feature turned on, the student will be able to mark an activity as viewed once completed.

Show Answers: If this feature is turned on, the student will see the correct answer and feedback after attempting a question. Since this information is provided before the student submits the assessment, we recommend using this for self-learning implementations only.

Show Test Result to Student: This feature is only available for auto-scoring questions. If turned on, the student can view test analytics after submitting. Analytics include an overall score, time spent, score analytics, score by subject, etc.

Selection Criteria: Only the Random option is implemented at the moment. Once you select the number of questions you’d like to appear for the student, Random will randomly pick that number of questions per student.

Number of Questions: By default, you’ll see the number of total questions that appear on the assessment. If you lower the number, the test will pull the new number from the total question bank. For example, if the assessment has 20 questions and you change it to 10 questions, the student will be given 10 randomized questions from the full 20 question assessment bank.

Search Test/Resources: When adding an assessment or resource, these buttons will launch the intended database for you to select specific assessments or resources.

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