
Teachers also can Administer Benchmarks in Classrooms.

  • To view an assigned district benchmark as a teacher, begin by selecting Learning > Assessment Center.
  • This can also be done by selecting the 'Assessments' tab, selecting 'Assessment List', then selecting 'Exam'.

  • In the Assessment Center, select the appropriate course, if necessary, by using the 'Select Course' icon in top right corner.

  • In the 'Assessments' section on the Home tab, select 'Exams', where all district assigned benchmarks will appear.


  • This can also be done by selecting the 'Assessments' tab, selecting 'Assessment List', then selecting 'Exam'.


Note: Be sure to select the correct time frame

  • D – day
  • W – week
  • M – month
  • A - all
  • Select the desired district assigned benchmark.


Once a benchmark is selected, teachers can view the specific benchmark information, including name, description, and associated standards. In the expanded section of the benchmark, teachers can also view student names, token, score, status, exam performance, test status (activated or deactivated), and accommodations.

  • As the students receive scores, teacher can view the test summary of the students.

  • When students complete an assessment that includes extended response or essay, a teacher must score these questions, manually.  Questions that originate from our item bank partners already include the associated rubrics. Until scored by the teacher, scores Total Score, Total Possible and Percentage will show as ‘Pending Review’ (for both teachers and students) until the teacher has scored them.





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